It’s a new year and time for you to be the baddie you're meant to be



Looking at your body in the mirror and BEING TURNED ON by what you see 💦


Believing in yourself so much to the point where people think you're DELUSIONAL 🤪 


Going ALL IN and taking massive risks to make your big vision a reality ✨


Starting that business or Youtube Channel, BLOWING TF UP, and making MONEY from your passion 🤑


Everything you want is possible for you.


Sign up for the FREE 21 Day New Year New Baddie Affirmation Challenge!

By signing up you will receive a downloadable workbook to go along with this 21 day challenge. Sign up! Your glow up is waiting


It is my mission to help YOU embody the most bad bitch version of yourself. I want to feel sexy, love yourself, be rich as fuck, and have everything in your wildest dreams.

Because YOU deserve to live life you can't wait to wake up to!

I can’t tell you how often I talk to people who feel like they are letting life happen to them.

→ They spend most of their time and energy working a job that they lowkey hate.

→ They convince themself that their dreams are going to be “too hard” or “take too long” and that it isn’t possible for them to get out of the matrix…

...when in reality, they haven't even started trying.

→ They aren't devoted to themselves. They aren't committed to the vision. And they just accept a mediocre life.

Can you relate?




Introducing: New Year New Baddie

21 Day Affirmations Challenge


My intention for this challenge is for you to start to change your mindset and how you speak to yourself. We need to start saying kind things to ourselves. Loving ourselves up. Being our own biggest fan and supporter. 


It's time to be your own biggest cheerleader, to speak to yourself as if you FULLY AND COMPLETELY believed in yourself, and to be clear and speak about your goals dreams and aspirations. Thoughts become things. What you speak becomes your reality. Together we will speak a reality beyond your wildest dreams. 


How does the challenge work?

On March 2, at 10am PT, I will host a LIVE intention setting ceremony on Zoom where we will set our goals and intentions for the next 21 days (and year).


Then every day, for 21 days, I will be posting a NEW affirmations video on Youtube that is going to completely rewire your brain, change your thought process, and ultimately transform your life! 


These affirmations will be between 5-10 minutes and all you have to do is listen to them and repeat after me each day!

What are affirmations? 


Affirmations are empowering phrases and statements used to give yourself confidence, strengthen your self belief, and overcome limiting beliefs. 


In these affirmation videos you will be repeating positive, empowering words to yourself. The thoughts you think, and the words you speak have a HUGE impact on your beliefs and actions. 


In this challenge we will focus on self love, body confidence, money and abundance, being a bad bitch, and living our best lives!

I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you…


→ What would it be like to wake up each morning feeling happy, turned on, and excited for all the amazing things you have planned for your day...

...AKA going to that yoga class, cooking a new vegan recipe, working on your youtube channel etc?

→ How would it feel to look in the mirror, see your not so perfect skin or body and still love what you see. Seeing yourself for the magical, beautiful, amazing person that you really are?

→ What would shift if you believed in yourself and truly believed with all your heart that you can have EVERYTHING you want in life?


I want you to know that you really can have it all. Now it's time to claim it and SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE 


Sign up for the FREE 21 Day New Year New Baddie Affirmation Challenge!

By signing up you will receive a downloadable workbook to go along with this 21 day challenge. Sign up! Your glow up is waiting

Who am I to help you?


Let me tell you…. I have been LIVING LIFE! But I didn't start out that way.


By the time I was 10 years old, both my parents passed away. I felt depressed, lost, and hopeless for a lot of my childhood. I was unsure of myself, and disconnected from my purpose. I had no clue what my gifts were, what my passions were, or the possibilities of what I could create in my life.


I was going to University to be an elementary school teacher, following the path others set up for me because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, working 3 jobs to pay for school, and letting life make me its little bitch….



→ Enough caring about the opinions of others. 

→ Enough putting my own dreams to the side.

→ Enough being a people pleaser.

→ Enough trying to blend in and follow the crowd.




I sold all of my things, and bought a one way ticket to New Zealand - all alone. I needed to go on an epic journey of self discovery and find out what my purpose was, what I REALLY wanted to do with my life, and who I TRULY was underneath all the conditioning and expectations of those around me.  

While in New Zealand, I met the love of my life and we traveled to over 15 countries together. We got married before moving to Amsterdam for 2 years. While there I found my love for mindset, manifestation and yoga and started my coaching business.



Just last year we packed our bags and moved to Hawaii and now live STEPS AWAY FROM THE BEACH.

We bought a food truck here in Waikiki, and grew our business to over $180k in less than 8 months!


Oh yeah - and I just bought my DREAM CAR that’s been on my vision board for over 10 years! I guess you can say life is pretty amazing. And that’s because of my unshakable self belief that I have gained by using affirmations.



Sign up for the FREE 21 Day New Year New Baddie Affirmation Challenge!

By signing up you will receive a downloadable workbook to go along with this 21 day challenge. Sign up! Your glow up is waiting


So you have some questions...